Grace R. Pringle
Why I Started Writing:
As a kid, I devoured books. I began spending all my free hours inventing stories and telling them to my younger siblings. They would beg me for more and those requests planted a seed of hope that maybe, just maybe, I could be a writer. I thought it was impossible for me because my spelling was atrocious. Then one day, twelve-year-old me felt like her head was going to explode with ideas, so she sat down at her desk and began to write. The rest is history. FYI, I did get better at spelling.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
Donita K. Paul was a big one for me. When I first picked up her book Dragon Spell, a whole new world of fantasy opened up before me; one with dragons and a worldview I related to.
Cornelia Funke has had a large impact on my desire to be an engaging story teller. Her descriptions in Ink Spell blew me away and made me realize how dynamic descriptions can carry you away to another place.
Magen Whalen Turner influenced my love of dialogue and witty humour with her The Queen’s Thief series. I never see any of her plot-twists coming!
Books I Have Written:
I’ve written two full manuscripts: Silver Blood, the first in a Christian Fantasy series (it involves lots of dragons) and Between the Shadows, a fantasy romance with high stakes and a blind boy who isn’t really blind.
What I'm Working On Now:
I’m submitting Between the Shadows to publishers and working on the sequel. I also have a wonderful writer’s club I’m part of that gets my mind going with short story prompts and one-act plays. Some day, I might put together an anthology of all the amusing content we’ve written over the years. The other books in my Silver Blood series continue to be an on-going project.
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