Cathy Rueter

Why I Started Writing:

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t doing some kind of writing. First there were funny little poems in elementary school, then journaling in middle school, and essays with a few local newspaper articles thrown in during high school and college. Once I became a wife and mom, I thought I’d try my hand at fiction but found I had an aptitude for small town journalism and editing. More than ten years later, I made my way back to fiction writing as a way to make some space for all the words and ideas whirling around in my head. 

Authors Who Have Influenced Me:

In my early teens, my mom would read her Ellery Queen Magazine and mystery books first, to make sure they were appropriate for her story-hungry daughter, then she would share them with me. Mysteries and thrillers are still my favorites, but I am a very eclectic reader. Although I’m branching out to more contemporary writers now days, some earlier influences included Agatha Christie, Taylor Caldwell, Mary Higgins Clark, Diane Mott Davidson, Debbie Macomber, Janet Evanovich, Dick Francis, and Nora Roberts. 

Books I Have Written:

My first full-length novel, Murder May I, comes out with Elk Lake Publishing, Inc. in the near future. Before that, an introduction to a few of the characters in my Games We Play mystery series can be found in my short story, "It’s Beginning to Look a Llama Like Christmas," in the Christmas anthology titled, A Prob-Llama of a Holiday. This story is the first short of several planned as mini mysteries wrapped within the larger series. (Note: The anthology is a clean read, but not specifically Christian worldview.) 

What I'm Working On Now:

I’m currently working on book two in the Games We Play mystery series. Additionally, I have a second mini mystery finished and in editing mode, while a third one is nearing completion to introduce the lives of some more of my favorite characters. I look forward to you coming on this writing journey with me! 


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