Becky Sue Harwood
Why I Started Writing:
Writing is a curious thing. I close my eyes to see, plug my ears to hear, and relax my mind to feel the emotions of people who can’t shake my hand. My first adventure in storytelling, at the suggestion of a mother who was desperate to keep me from bugging my younger siblings, happened when I was eight. Swept into the act of creation, I wrote three single-spaced pages, the longest thing I’d ever written. More than the story details, I remember the joy I felt, the wonder of seeing, hearing, and feeling a snippet of someone else’s life experience.
I still write for my own enjoyment, but now I also write to encourage, inspire, and share the love of God with every reader.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
In my childhood, I read as often as I breathed, and those stories shaped who I am today. Laura Ingalls Wilder showed me a girl’s everyday life can teach skills and life lessons, and that her life will someday be history. J.R.R. Tolkien taught me the value of true friends, and doing hard things requires perseverance, hope, and sacrifice. C.S. Lewis taught me to be prepared to do the King’s work at any, and in every, moment.
As an adult, I had a revelation reading back cover copy by Terri Blackstock. She wrote that as a popular secular novelist, she realized she wasn’t using her gifts to further the Kingdom of God, and she vowed to write only Christian fiction.
The idea of using fiction to share faith blossomed in my mind. But how to do it? My answer to this question was to learn from other kind and generous authors. The amazing writers of the Cascade Christian Writers, its conferences, and my critique group, The Fictitious Five, have been a life-changing blessing to me.
Books I Have Written:
My debut novel, Last Summer, will be released by Elk Lake in 2025.
What I'm Working On Now:
I'm anticipating the edits on Last Summer and am working on book two in the series, at present untitled.
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