Amos Wyse
Why I Started Writing:
My wife, after years of listening to all my stories, told me I needed to start writing them down for others.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
I have always been a fan of the writings of men like Mark Twain, Edgar Lee Masters, and Robert Frost. They speak plainly, but clearly. I try to do the same.
Books I Have Written:
The Fishers: an Amish Life series: Planting seeds, Pulling Weeds, A Harvest of Brides, Forging Friendships, and Building a Future. The Amish Shop Girl, Finding a Plain Christmas, Blessed Are the Meek, Blessed Are the Peacemakers, "Amish for the Summer" (in The Amish Menorah: and Other Stories), "Bittersweet Chocolate" (in The Men of Amish Fiction Present a Christmas Collection)
What I'm Working On Now:
A sequel to Blessed Are the Peacemakers is in editing, and I am writing a novella for the next Men of Amish Fiction collection for Romance in the Spring.
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