Dave and Joanne Beckwith
Why We Started Writing:
Working in pastoral ministry for over forty years, we have always had a passion to communicate Biblical truth either by speaking or writing. We’re passionate about helping people get God’s Word into their daily lives so our writing includes daily “Time Outs” for the reader to spend time with God.
Authors Who Have Influenced Us:
We’re both avid readers so the list of influential writers is quite extensive. In our early ministry years, the writings of Chuck Swindoll, John MacArthur, Ray and Anne Ortlund, Billy Graham, Ray Stedman, Josh McDowell, Miles Stanford, and James Dobson impacted us greatly. More recently, the writings of Rick Warren, Max Lucado, John Piper, Gary Chapman, David Jeremiah, Beth Moore, and John Maxwell have continued to shape our lives.
Books We Have Written:
We wrote our first book, THE EDGE: God’s Power Perfected in Weakness, that released in November 2015. We have rejoiced in the many positive reviews and, in particular, small groups that are also using the book with good success. Prior to writing our first book, I (Dave) wrote about 20 published articles on a variety of topics for the Los Angeles Times, Guideposts, The Upper Room, Moody Monthly, Marriage Partnership, Orange County Register, The Standard, South Dakota Magazine, and Converge Point
What We're Working On Now:
Currently, we have two books close to completion: Set Free from What Sets You Back and Faith Like Soaring. A third one is also in process entitled COMPASSION: Loving People as God Does (based on the book of Jonah). All of these books follow the same format as our first book with daily quiet times for the reader and materials for a small group. We always write to help people get into the God’s Word.
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