Derinda Babcock
Why I Started Writing:
I started writing because I wanted to tell entertaining stories. Early in my writing journey, I thought telling a good story was all that mattered. As I became more thoughtful about what I really liked and wanted as a reader, my writing changed. The books and short stories I write are often historical with a strong Christian thread. Entertainment, though important, is not solely at the heart of my stories now. The application of biblical truth in historical settings shares the spotlight. I want to see how my characters grow and change based on the choices they make, and how biblical truth impacts their lives.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
I have only to see what books I pick up to reread more than twice to know which authors have influenced my thinking about what is good writing. Francine Rivers continues to speak to my heart of faith with her Mark of the Lion and A Lineage of Grace series. Kathleen Y'Barbo's, Millie's Treasure, encourages me to get comfy and enjoy a little steam-punk. Georgette Heyer, though not a Christian writer, shows me how witty and engaging historical romances like The Masqueraders and Simon the Coldheart can be, and Patrick W. Carr's Staff and Sword series has changed my mind about fantasy in general, and Christian fantasy in particular.
Books I Have Written:
The Destiny Series started as a trilogy, but readers wanted to know more. Three books turned into five. These are speculative titles, but some will read like historical and others like contemporary.
- Dodging Destiny
- In Search of Destiny
- Following Destiny
- Hunting for Destiny
- Voices from the Past
With the release of The Binromese, the final book in the A Tale of Three Kingdoms Series, readers find out if Keena, Master Healer of the Jindentors, is able to lower the death toll when the Black Death strikes the continent.
- The Jindentors
- The Vindorans
- The Binromese
Colorado Treasure is the first book in the Treasures of the Heart historical trilogy. Book Two, Trouble in Texas, is set to release Spring / Summer 2024, with Book Three, The Prodigal Returns wrapping up the series.
What I'm Working On Now:
- Trouble in Texas
- The Prodigal Returns
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