J Alden Hall
Why I Started Writing:
My journey to beginning to write began in 1993 when I left the business world to join Walk Thru the Bible Ministries. I had shared the testimony of how God changed my life many times before then, but this opened up an entirely new set of audiences. Most everywhere I shared my story someone would say, “You’ve got to write a book.” I’d smile and shrug it off. It was many years before I seriously took on the project. Two events set that into motion.
First, as many others experienced during the then recent great recession, I found myself without a job. With plenty of time available, I began writing. Once started, memories returned and words flowed. As the page numbers grew, the excitement intensified.
The second important moment came when I joined up with a group of writers who gave me the guidance needed to move from being a public speaker to becoming a writer. The group called themselves the “Seedwriters” because they believed they were formed to “write seeds of God's word into their books,” and to support each other. Maybe they just felt sorry for the lone male in their consortium, but soon they enveloped me with their collective wings. They prodded and encouraged me when I needed it most.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
Max Lucado, Chuck Swindoll, Bruce Wilkinson, John Gresham, Oswald Chambers and C.S. Lewis.
Books I Have Written:
I have written a number of published short stories and devotions, but From Godfather to Glory is my only completed book.
What I'm Working On Now:
Belladonna, it’s a suspense book loosely tied into the greatest art theft in this nation’s history, the mafia and the Vatican.
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