Kathi Macias
Why I Started Writing:
I have wanted to write for as long as I remember. I started reading before I started school and have always had a love affair with words. I started out writing poems and essays and won some awards in a writing contest when I was in high school. In my early thirties, after taking some writing/editing courses, I started writing for pay/publication as a weekly newspaper columnist and string reporter. I then went on to writing for Christian magazines and eventually got an entry-level job as an editorial assistant at Gospel Light Publishing. I published my first book soon after that.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
There are many through the years, including Brock and Bodie Thoene, Francine Rivers, and Belva Plain.
Books I Have Written:
I have written/published nearly sixty books of my own, some of the more recent being Red Ink (2011 Golden Scrolls Novel of the Year and ACFW Carol Award finalist); No Greater Love (currently optioned for movie/film possibility); Deliver Me from Evil; Beyond Me; How Can I Run a Tight Ship when I’m Surrounded by Loose Cannons?
What I'm Working On Now:
I am working on a nonfiction book titled Hidden Heroes. It is a collaborative writing job (I am a “with” author) where I am working with a team from Israel. The book will release in conjunction with a documentary. I have also just finished a collaborative writing job titled FEARLESS about a woman who was the world’s most traveled missionary.
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