Kristen Terrette
Why I Started Writing:
As a child, my nose was always stuck in a book, and make-believe characters would often have conversations in my head. Becoming an author was my dream job. When a friend challenged me to write a story of mine down, I found I was addicted to coming up with plot lines and fascinating characters. Having a former career in children’s ministry and education, writing young adult novels felt natural and an extension of my ministry work, like God had prepared me for this new adventure my whole life. Whatever I pen, whether fiction or nonfiction, I desire to use words that honor God and provide realistic examples of redemption, restoration, and hope. And I love every minute of it.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
There are so many! Some of my favorites are Lynn Austin, Susan May Warren, Lisa Wingate, Melina Marchetta, and Francine Rivers. Their characters and circumstances stay with me long after I’ve finished the story which is a goal of mine as an author. I also enjoy finding new writers like Amanda Dykes and Tara Johnson. And I love Courtney Stevens and Jenny Han. Their writings are fresh and their characters unforgettable.
Books I Have Written:
See You Monday is my first young adult novel, but I have three contemporary romances published. The Moanna Island series includes Safe Harbor, Time and Tide, and Morning Star. I also write for Wholly Loved ministries. We’ve released two devotional books with a third coming soon.
What I'm Working On Now:
I’m finishing up another young adult novel, titled The Capes about a group of high school seniors and their prep school’s strange tradition. And the plot lines for a new young adult novel are swimming around my head. It will be a time-lapse novel like See You Monday and take place somewhere in the deep south, likely Mississippi … I think. I guess we’ll see where my mind goes with it!
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