Barbara Blythe
Why I Started Writing:
In sixth grade, my teacher assigned the class a creative writing assignment using a list of words she provided. It was the first time I’d ever written a story, and I was very excited when the teacher praised my work. After that experience, I began to enter school sponsored essay contests, often placing first or second. It was about the same time my mother introduced me to the books she loved so much at my age. My grandmother was also an avid reader of romance. Twenty years later, they told me I should try my hand at writing a novel. As I always seemed to have stories in my head, I decided to give it a try.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
My mother’s favorites – Carolyn Keene (those written in the 40s), Zane Grey
My grandmother’s favorites – Grace Livingston Hill, Emilie Loring
My favorites – Victoria Holt, Elizabeth Camden, Sarah Ladd, Michelle Griep, Roseanna White
Books I Have Written:
Fire Dragon’s Angel
Ransom for Many
Dance of Life
What I'm Working On Now:
Far Grander than Paradise – complete
Stronger than the Shifting Sands – complete
Fire Bird’s Star – complete (Book 2 in the Fires of Destiny series and sequel to Fire Dragon’s Angel)
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