Beth Gormong
Why I Started Writing:
I began writing when my university poetry professor told me I should change my major to English and Writing. I loved poetry, was always writing for fun, and hearing that affirmation from someone I respected was all it took for me to change career tracks. For years, I continued writing but never publishing anything until my coauthor convinced me to write Hello, Beautiful! with her.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
King David, the psalmist
C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters and The Chronicles of Narnia series
Robert Fulghum, author of Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten and It Was On Fire When I Lay Down on It
Charles Swindoll, Come Before Winter
Books I Have Written:
Hello, Beautiful! (with Jeanette Levellie)
Yes, You Can! Overcome Crises with God’s Help (with Jeanette Levellie)
- Growing the Fruit of the Spirit (with Susan Hayhurst)
What I'm Working On Now:
A companion book to Growing the Fruit of the Spirit for young girls.
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