Billie Fulton
Why I Started Writing:
I started writing because God answered my prayer. I had always wanted to write, so I filled journals with my deepest thoughts and humorous observations. As Women’s Ministry Director, I wrote articles for our bi-monthly church magazine. Then while in Israel, I broke my ankle at an archeological site. My very active, never-slow-down life changed. This was the second time I had broken the same ankle. After three surgeries I had to realize, it was what I had—a twice-broken ankle. So, I asked God to give me something I could do with meaning. He gave me the desire of my heart—time to write.
I wrote about everything and anything but without a purpose or a plan. I then started seeking God’s meaningful purpose for what I was writing. This was a game changer in my relationship with God. I no longer wanted to write because I always wanted to write, I was writing because God wanted me to write. He has given me many meaningful stories to tell for him.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
My dear friend, Jennifer Rothschild, writes from her heart to share her own life lessons—not about her blindness but about what God allows her to see through her blindness. Her first book, Lessons I Learned in the Dark, shares her struggles with blindness and her praise to God for being with her in her blindness.
The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis, and Pilgrim’s Progress, by Paul Bunyan, have encouraged me to think deeper into the meaning of a story. I enjoy the timeless layers of their stories that are not for me to read once in my lifetime, but instead for a lifetime.
And Liz Curtis Higgs teaches me that hope helps me dream. Her book, The Girl’s Still Got It, makes me laugh and cry as I think about what God has planned for us.
Books I Have Written:
Faith Is Not Silent is a historical fiction book about the faith of seven people who have been silent for over one-hundred and fifty years. When asked “Who and Why,” their story speaks loudly of their faith.
What I'm Working On Now:
I have several children’s books, not yet published.
The sequel to my first book is Faith Is Not Silent, It’s Eternal. The subject is people who have never had to tell you about their faith because they lived their faith every day.
And Pennies in a Jar is a story about the relationship between a teenage boy and his grandfather. The grandson sees his forgetful grandfather keep counting the same jar of pennies, thinking it is his worrisome mind, concerned that he won’t have enough money to finish out his life. Instead, each penny represents a memory. Afraid he is losing his memory, he counts his memories every day.
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