Blossom Turner
Why I Started Writing:
In school, writing always came easy, with creative writing a sheer joy. However, marriage, bills, and kids took precedence, and I joined the working millions far from my love of words. I continued to journal, write short stories, poems, or songs for personal enjoyment. A surgery which demanded I slow down brought an unexpected gift. A storyline given in a dream beckoned. I felt the Spirit urge me to write. Out of sheer boredom, I sat down at my computer. The love of words wrapped in the glorious abandon of imagination brought me to life. I finally knew what I was born to do. Ever since that first book, no matter where I went, or what I did, stories danced in my head. Plots and subplots came in the dead of night, and I would get up and jot down ideas infused with enthusiasm. I have never looked back. I have so many stories awaiting birth. I love, love, love writing.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
Francine Rivers is my all-time favorite author, with C.S Lewis a close second. Though both are totally different genres, I find their writing thought provoking in different ways. Many others, such as Angela Hunt, Karen Kingsbury, Cynthia Ruchti, and Liz Curtis Higgs have filled my days with entertainment as well as prodded me closer to the Lord. I have been inspired and influenced by these authors to write with purpose—where entertainment and my Jesus meet.
Books I Have Written (Not Yet Published):
Anna’s Secret An inspirational contemporary women’s fiction with a strong romantic flavor. Soon to be published by Elk Lake Publishing Inc.
Shadows O’er the Journey. An inspirational romance.
The Shenandoah Brides An inspirational historical romance, with a trilogy in mind.
Friendly Fire: Seven Steps to Healing from Betrayal.
What I'm Working On Now:
I am writing short stories for Chicken Soup, poetry for fun, editing Anna’s Secret, and debating which book project to tackle next. I will either begin to work on The Shenandoah Brides Trilogy, or one of the thousand other books dancing in my head, begging to come alive with the tap, tap, tap, of my fingers upon the keyboard.
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