Brenda Poinsett
Why I Started Writing:
I started writing because I couldn’t help myself. Like Jeremiah, God’s Word was in my heart like a burning fire, and I had an urgency to share His truth with others. I was an earnest student of the Bible and a Sunday school teacher, but I wanted to—felt compelled to—share what I learned with a wider audience.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
Two authors who have influenced my work are William Barclay and Rosalind Rinker. Barclay’s work, and in particular his book The Mind of Christ, made the Bible a more understandable book, its messages clearer, and its application evident. Rosalind Rinker’s books on prayer encouraged the devotional and emotional side of my writing. She always directed her message right to the heart of the reader.
Books I Have Written:
So far, I’ve written 20 books. Here are the titles of a few of them.
Wonder Women of the Bible
He Said What?!: Jesus’ Amazing Words to Women
Understanding a Woman’s Depression
Why Do I Feel This Way?
When Saints Sing the Blues
Celebrations That Touch the Heart
Not My Will But Thine
Can Martha Have a Mary Christmas
What I'm Working On Now:
Now that I am finishing up my project with Elk Lake Publishing, You’ve Got It, I Want It, I am currently working on two book projects: Confessions of a Christian Chicken and How to Keep the Wind in Your Sails When Your Boat is Rocking.