Brett Heaston
Why I Started Writing:
I never liked to write. In fact, my worst grades in school were related to language and writing. I had little patience for it and never made time for it, but when I got saved … everything changed. Instantly, I had a desire to write stories, craft intricate plots, and share Jesus through stories. Now, I love the creative aspect of writing, everything about it, and writing is a part of who I am.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
I love anything inspired and historical, the older the better, but that’s not author specific.
C.S. Lewis opened the door for Christian fantasy/sci-fi, and the Left Behind series showed me Christian fiction was a viable genre for today. Today, I write fiction because people like Chloe and Buck still need to hear the gospel.
Books I Have Written:
Resilience Awakening, a sci-fi allegorical work, is set to publish in June 2021. In a cosmos created by a mysterious entity called THE VOICE, galaxies fight for dominance and survival. Kyvar Astilius and the crew of the Resilience are sent to the farthest reaches of the galaxies to recover the stellar gates and find allies. In this galactic race across the cosmos and fight for survival, Kyvar and his crew will come to understand more about themselves and the mysterious power that guides and works all things for good.
What I'm Working On Now:
Currently, I am working on a nonfiction historical work titled Cities Built on the Sand. This work is the compilation of a lifetime of study into major world conflicts, looking at them from a Biblical perspective. The goal is provide a spiritual addendum to our history books, providing additional spiritual insights into causes of historical conflicts. A greater purpose comes from studies of men of great conviction, like William Wilberforce and Abraham Lincoln. Their examples and their redemptive purposes provide insights and examples for us to model today.
In addition, my daughter Madelyn and I hope to complete a children’s chapter book titled Flora of Amoria. Set in a land of mystery and chivalry, Flora must display remarkable courage and great honor if she hopes to save her kingdom.
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