Carol McClain
Why I Started Writing:
It’s hard to say why I’ve started writing. I’ve always been a dreamer and an inventor of stories. As a child, I loved making my friends act out my dramas. Early in my life I started a novel (a good thing you’d never see the eight-year-old version of my story—or all the others that hit the circular file).
As an English teacher, I decided to see if I could write a novel. It seemed so impossible. Then I became addicted to it. Every time I want to quit, my mind returns to story invention and my fingers find their way back to the keyboard.
I’d say I’m a writing addict.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
In nonfiction, Philip Yancey had the greatest effect on my thinking. Annie Dillard informed my style. I love poetry, and her style is quintessentially poetic.
In Christian fiction, my favorite authors, and ones whose style influence me are Lisa Wingate and Susan Meisner. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book of theirs I haven’t liked.
In addition to being a poet at heart, I think I’m a philosopher. I love a story that makes me reflect, whether it’s a great historical fiction from the likes of Philippa Gregory or a plot involving difficulties I could never solve.
Books I Have Written:
My first publisher went out of business, so two of those books are no longer available. On the market now are: Yesterday’s Poison and A New York Yankee on Stinking Creek. In May, Elk Lake Publishing will produce the first of a series. I titled the book Borrowed Lives because all human lives are only lent to us by God.
What I'm Working On Now:
I am currently working on the sequel to Borrowed Lives. Prodigal Lives deals with the theme of the Prodigal Son. A child, estranged from her foster mother returns and receives unconditional love. In healing the teen’s guilt, the sins—large and small—of others come to light and reflect the Father’s forgiveness.
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