Claire O'Sullivan
Why I Started Writing:
I started writing in the 8th grade in a reading class. Our teacher instructed us to write a creative story. When I was done, I had what we call today a flash fiction. After reading the students’ work, she picked one person to read it to the class, and that person was me. It was a medical love story which ended in the death of one of the doctors, the wife of another research doctor. That threw the girls into tears. I was hooked. Make ’em cry.
My teacher encouraged me to write and I did. Later, after life happened, my mother and watched ‘Romancing the Stone,’ and she loved it. I picked up writing again and wrote another book (a trilogy) for her and a neighbor. As usual, life again happened. My sister in 2012 told me about NaNoWrimo and I wrote my first through fifth book there.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
Besides the classics such as Crime and Punishment, and C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, I also enjoy Christy Barrett’s works, Melissa Ferguson, Suad Campbell, Indy Quillen, Dale Amidei, Linda Knadle-Rodante, among many others.
Books I Have Written:
In nonfiction, I’ve written and self-published a cookbook which I removed from the shelves of Amazon as I revamp it.
What I'm Working On Now:
I am currently working on a military thriller titled Rules of Engagement.
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