David Kitz
Why I Started Writing:
A better question might be, “Why haven’t you stopped writing?” I always enjoyed writing, particularly in my high school years. Why would I stop writing after graduating from university? I simply enjoy the creative process and where it leads me. Many times live drama has been the springboard for much of my writing.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
Because I write in various genres, my influences are diverse. In Christian nonfiction writing, I have been influenced by John Ortberg, Timothy Keller, and Eric Metaxas. In fiction writing, my influences are classic authors such as Joseph Conrad and Fyodor Dostoevsky. And finally, in children’s picture books, I am drawn to the works of Bill Peet and Robert Munsch.
Books I Have Written:
The Soldier Who Killed a King; Psalms Alive! Connecting Heaven and Earth; Little Froggy Explores the BIG World; Coauthor of Tunks on Tongues; Four Hours with Jesus; Most recently, Editor of Mind Rooms by Cem Gulbent.
What I'm Working On Now:
Mystery in a Box—James the Brother of Jesus, a book about this lynchpin of the Christian faith.
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