Dawn Shipman
Why I Started Writing:
As a child I dearly loved reading—especially books about horses and dogs, though “Little Women” and all Louisa May Alcott books were also favorites. I’m not sure just when it was that I began to realize that there were actually people out there—somewhere—who wrote those stories I so loved. That’s when the dream was planted—I wanted to write stories that would make people laugh and cry and think the way others had for me. I was encouraged by my teen Sunday School teacher to use the “talents” I’d been given (as with the biblical parable of the talents) and though my life went other directions for a time, I always returned to that original dream
Authors Who Have Influenced Me
Jack London’s The Call of the Wild opened my mind and heart to the reality that there was a bigger world out there, full of mystery, and cruelty, and beauty, than I had ever seen. It was a life-changer for a 12-year-old. Walter Farley’s Black Stallion books fed my insatiable hunger for horse stories, and Louisa May Alcott taught me it was okay to cry. Later in life—Janette Oke, Francine Rivers, and Frank Peretti opened my eyes to what could be done in the name of Christian fiction. And jumping over to my genre of choice—CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien showed me that “magic” could be baptized. There are wonders out there, mysteries, that are just around the corner, waiting to be discovered, that can draw our hearts closer to God than many sermons. In the nonfiction world—Elisabeth Elliott’s Through Gates of Splendor and Shadow of the Almighty taught me that heroes didn’t just live long ago. They are often just regular people who hear His voice and say “yes.”
Books I Have Written:
The Lost Stones of Argonia: Kingdom Lost, book one, Quest of the Queen, book two, and Battle for the Crown, book three.
What I'm Working On Now:
Dreaming up a new series.
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