Donna K. Stearns

Why I Started Writing:

Hunting through a stack of Christmas plays left my mom and me frustrated. We searched for something different to present the familiar Christmas message. My writing journey began years ago with Christmas and Easter plays designed for our small country church. Each one stressed believing in Jesus, the Son of God, to receive eternal life. My reason for writing remains the same.

Authors Who Have Influenced Me:

Working in a Christian bookstore introduced me to Christian fiction. Brock and Bodie Thoene, in the Zion Chronicles and Zion Covenant series, amazed me with their talent to weave characters, places, and intrigue into actual historic events. Francine Rivers did the same in The Mark of the Lion series, which took me to my favorite historical setting—the Bible.

Books I Have Written:

The Nazarene’s Price and its sequel, Cost & Crown are historical biblical fiction stories drawn from the true account of the rich young ruler, Peter’s fictional daughter, Rebekah, and a cast of people we meet in the scriptures. Both books highlight Yeshua’s love, mercy, and grace while focusing on the main characters’ search for truth and enduring faith.

What I'm Working On Now:

A children’s chapter book, Damian’s Search for the Color of Love, another biblical fiction title from the Old Testament, and a nonfiction title I am reworking are my post pressing WIP.

I regularly post inspiration posts on my website, Meeting Jesus With Donna Stearns.


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