Elizabeth Armstrong
Why I Started Writing:
I started writing because I could not not write. I was raised in a home with no television before all the technology of today. My only tools for entertainment were my imagination and my siblings interacting with it. That experience seemed too big to leave unwritten. I still have in my possession journals that range from 1974 to the present. I also used to read voraciously. I remember reading Dostoevsky at the age of ten. I had no idea what it meant, but Crime and Its Punishment kept me occupied for several weeks. My favorite books were numerous. If only I had time now to read like I did then.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
Authors who have influenced me include; C.S. Lewis, Benedict Freeman, Mark Twain, Robert Frost, Catherine Marshall, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, J.R.R. Tolkien, John the brother of James, Jane Austen, Anna Sewell, Charlotte Bronte, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jack London, Marshall Saunders, Marguerite Henry, Rudyard Kipling, Pearl Buck, Tom Robbins, Larry McMurtry, Jim Harrison, Robert Louis Stevenson, Sir Walter Scott, James the brother of Jesus, Moses, King David, Job, Isaiah, Paul. These are not in order, and the list is far from complete.
Books I Have Written:
Little Boy, Little Boy is the first book I have written. I wrote the book as a tribute to our son, whom we lost when he was nineteen.
What I'm Working On Now:
I am currently working on several projects. Two children’s series are in the works, and two historical novels are also in process of completion. More information on these can be found at http://www.allmightywords.com
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