Gary Brumbelow

Why I Started Writing:

I’ve enjoyed words as long as I can remember. For decades my work has been largely focused on writing: missionary prayer letters, PR pieces, magazine articles, sermons.

Writing a novel was on my bucket list for years but life’s realities intruded. It was just a dream until one day in 2017 when my bride pointed me to an email from Jerry Jenkins advertising his online class. “You should do this. If you don’t do this now, when will you?”

That was the beginning of what I aspire to be my third career. The publication of my novel, Someplace North, Someplace Wild is actually within view.

Authors Who Have Influenced Me:

  • Tolkien’s Hobbit and Lord of the Rings series are the most masterful fiction I’ve read. His little Tree and Leaf is a gold mine.
  • C.S. Lewis in his many contributions, both fiction and nonfiction.
  • Michael O’Brien, Father Elijah
  • Beryl Markham, West with the Night
  • Leif Enger Virgil Wander, Peace Like a River
  • Charles Frazier, Cold Mountain (Reader Discretion Advised)
  • John Grisham, Joel Rosenberg, E.B. White and many more.

Books I Have Written:

My friend Tom, owner of the huge Empire Valley Ranch in the wilderness of British Columbia, asked me to help him write a book from his top-rated posts at a ranching blog. The project got shelved when Tom died unexpectedly a couple of months later. The book lay dormant for several years, but I finally resumed the work, prepared the material and found a publisher. Mountain Ranch at the End of the Road: Horses, Cows, Guns and Grizzlies in the Canadian Wilderness is available at Barnes and Noble, Amazon and other online bookstores.

What I'm Working On Now:

What if a young cowboy—resourceful, honest, but impulsive—left Texas for Canada to pursue his dream of punching cattle in the wild, got a job on a remote mountain ranch, met a beautiful girl, all the while overcoming impossible odds, then out of the blue got arrested and deported because he’d been framed for murder? And not only framed, the county attorney is crooked and he can’t trust the system. What would he do? That’s the premise for Someplace North, Someplace Wild.

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