Jeff S. Barganier
Why I Started Writing:
My debut as a writer was literally an accident. I slashed my leg with a machete while working on my property. During lunch with fellow stock brokers the following day, an associate made light of my mishap, calling me “the slash broker.” Back in my office, I began a story as a spoof on the securities business: They scarcely knew him. He was tall and thin with chiseled features. He looked more a Pony Express rider than a financial type, but they liked his attitude:
“How much money do you want to make?” the slash brokers asked.
“Two hundred thousand dollars a year,” he said coolly.
“Let’s check out an office,” they replied.
I passed this around the office for laughs, but my fellow brokers kept asking for more. Four years later, I had five hundred pages and was offered a contract from the first publisher I queried.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
Robin Moore, Hilton Tims, Ernest Hemingway, James Michener, Keener Hudson Taylor
Books I Have Written:
The Slash Brokers (Political Suspense Thriller); A Writer is Born (Comedy Fiction); The Crooked Tree (A Book for Children Four to Ninety-Four); How Prayer Helped Me Escape the Corporate Rat Race (Memoir)
What I'm Working On Now:
Lawson’s Bluff (Suspense Fiction); Monthly travel features for BOOM! Magazine
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