John Alexander
Why I Started Writing:
I began writing out of necessity. A technical book about one of my company's products needed to be written, and I joined colleagues to do the job. We were called upon a second time to do another edition. I knew I would never write another technical book, but I did discover I actually enjoyed writing. I decided to write what I enjoyed reading, so I began writing The Enclave, a mystery/suspense novel. I fell in love with the whole process: initial drafts written in one-hour spurts mostly on plane trips; reorganizing half-way through; hours spent with an editor (learning so much about writing fiction in the process); revising; polishing; seeking a publisher; and learning the ropes of self-publishing. Then I turned to writing children’s chapter books. I loved writing and I loved engaging with students, seeing the joy of reading come alive in third graders. Once I began writing in rhyme, stories for a younger age group began to emerge, and Words That Soar came to life to fascinate young minds with words, books, and ideas. I’m now full speed ahead with writing for children—they are our future.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
I found enjoyment in my early years of reading with the likes of Mark Twain (Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn captured my imagination). Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol still holds a special place inside me. I read picture books like The Night Before Christmas over and over. I enjoyed mystery series like the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew. Beyond elementary school, I enjoyed others as well—like C. S. Lewis. I loved how he wove Christian themes into fabulous fiction. I especially enjoyed the Narnia series and The Space Trilogy. J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit was a great read even before the movies. I enjoyed and still enjoy the rhyme and rhythm of Dr. Seuss books. I’m also drawn to mystery/suspense authors like John Grisham and James Patterson. I enjoyed the Mitford series by Jan Karon, who changed her career and followed her passion.And I love the wit, wisdom, and insight of the many books written by my pastor, Chuck Swindoll.
Books I Have Written:
CallManager Fundamentals (Pearson Press, 2001, 2nd Edition 2004)
The Enclave (Mystery/Suspense, 2010)
Amber/Autumn Mystery series (mystery chapter books)
Christmas Garden (2014)
Grandfather’s Blessing (2014)
Golden Campout (2015)
The Secret Room (2017)
Timeless Tales (Poetry, 2017)
Words That Soar (Picture Book, 2018)
What I'm Working On Now:
I discovered in 2017 I love to write poetry—it’s my form of relaxation, so I write poems regularly. I’m also writing and polishing numerous picture book texts, and, as time permits, continuing work on a science fiction novel I began several years ago.
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