Kacy Barnett-Gramckow/R. J. Larson
Why I Started Writing:
From the beginning, the Lord blessed me with an overwhelming desire to read and tell stories. However, it never occurred to me that ordinary people can write books, and I was normal, right? A few years after I married my husband, Jerry, I was visiting with my sister-in-law, Kathi, who’d recently become an editor. I looked down at the manuscript she was working on and, foolish me, I thought, I can do this!
Within a few months, I was studying writing, and within ten years, after lots of practice, I had written numerous devotionals published by Zondervan, Regal, and other publishers, as well as a series for Moody Publishers.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
My passion for stories has always led me toward Biblical historical fiction. However, in 2009, a dear author-friend, Donita K. Paul, who is well known in the inspirational fantasy genre, looked me in the eyes and said, “You should write fantasy.”
I chuckled and said, “Oh, I’ll never write fantasy. I wouldn’t know how. I write historicals.” Obviously, the Lord heard me and chuckled. Within a year, I was sideswiped by a dream-fragment that became Prophet, which I wrote as R. J. Larson for Bethany House Publishers.
Books I Have Written:
As Kacy Barnett-Gramckow, The Genesis Trilogy for Moody Publishers, and Dawnlight, from Elk Lake Publishing. As R. J. Larson, I’ve written Prophet, Judge, and King for Bethany House, followed by Exiles and Queen for Elk Lake Publishing.
What I'm Working On Now:
The Blessing, an 1890’s historical set in Colorado.
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