Kathy Collard Miller
Why I Started Writing:
In 1978, God did an amazing work of healing in my life. In fact, He delivered me from being a child abuser. I was physically and verbally abusing my two-year-old daughter even though I had been a Christian for ten years. I had no hope since God didn’t answer my prayer for an instantaneous deliverance of my anger. My husband, Larry, and I had been married seven years and I blamed my problem on him. Without hope, I almost used my husband’s off-duty police revolver to take my life. But God gave me this thought as I looked at the loaded gun: “What will people think of Jesus if they hear that Kathy Miller has taken her life?” I didn’t care about my own reputation, but I did care about God’s reputation. In time, God showed me the underlying causes of my anger, and I became the loving, patient mother I really wanted to be. God also healed our marriage. I had always wanted to be a writer so I wrote my story as an article and sold it to Moody Monthly Magazine in 1979. That started me on God’s path of writing and then speaking with my first speaking engagement in 1980.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
During the time of God’s ongoing deliverance, I read Tim LaHaye’s book Understanding the Male Temperament. That book gave me understanding I’d never had before about my husband. It inspired me to see how the insights Tim gave made such a difference in me. As a budding non-fiction writer, I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives with those kinds of insight. I love reading Christian Living books which God uses to change my heart. Larry Crabb is the kind of writer who communicates the underlying reasons for our choices. His books, especially Finding God, have made a profound difference in my life and enlightened me and my husband when we began taking lay counseling training.
Books I Have Written:
God has given me in the incredible privilege of writing over fifty published books. They have included women’s Bible study books, Bible commentaries, Christian Living, and compilations. Several of those books have been award-winning bestsellers. Now I’m writing with Elk Lake Publishing, Inc., and I couldn’t be more thrilled. I’m expanding my previously-published twelve books in the Daughters of the King Bible Study Series. The first two are available and titled Choices of the Heart (women of the Bible) and Whispers of My Heart (prayer).
What I'm Working On Now:
I’m so excited my next Elk Lake Publishing, Inc. non-fiction book is Pure Hearted: The Blessings of Living Out God’s Glory. My goal in that book is to help us determine the underlying reasons for our motives and whether we really do want God’s glory. When we do, we enjoy many blessings from God. After that, I’ll be working on another two Bible study books in the Daughters of the King Bible Study Series. One on friendships: A Heart for Friendship and marriage: Celebrating the Heart of Marriage.
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