Kristena Mears
Why I Started Writing:
I write because I can’t not write. I sure you’ve heard many authors say this same thing, but I truly get excited when I see a new world open up, with all its friendships, joys and, yes, even its disappointments. For me, it’s one of the most relaxing, stress relieving things I can do. And believe me, I can use a bit of de-stressing these days. This world is going crazy, and if there’s a way to escape, I want to find it.
I write because I want to bring healing to the brokenness, we all have felt. I don’t write
There are stories inside that seem to be screaming to be released from the walls of my mind. They want to be released into the world and find a home in the pages between a cover. They want to snuggle in a warm chair, with a fuzzing blanket with a cup of tea. They want to be heard and understood. They want to change perceptions and lives.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
I think every author I have ever read has influenced me in one way or another. From a young age I was an avid reader. I loved Lewis’ Narnia and Madeleine L'Engle’s Wrinkle in Time. I think what I liked most about them was that the characters often got themselves into trouble time and time again. I could relate. As a teen I read my first historical fiction set in Biblical times. (The Bond Slave by Sallie Lee Bell) I was fascinated, and hooked. That book set me on my path and inspired me to write.
Books I Have Written:
Under Penalty of Death
What I'm Working On Now:
I’m working on the audio book for Under Penalty of Death and the mist of a sequel to my first book.
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