Leanne Lucas
Why I Started Writing:
I have always had a deep love for reading, which seemed to lead naturally to a desire to write. All my elementary teachers encouraged my early writing attempts. I began by rewriting the endings to “Charlotte’s Web” and “Mary Poppins.” My first play, “Barbie and Ken Go to the City,” produced in fourth grade, will be forever etched in my memory!
When I wrote my first book, the memory of that early encouragement carried me through the paralyzing “What was I thinking?” stage to the “Hey, I just wrote a book!” disbelief to the “You mean you want to publish it?” euphoria. I continue to write because I want to help young readers develop a passion for books that will last their whole life.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
C.S. Lewis was the first author to make me realize fiction could have immense spiritual impact and still be fun. John Eldredge helps me keep my faith and my writing authentic, practical, and shows me how to walk-it-out in real time. Jeanne Birdsall’s Penderwick series inspires me to develop loving (and lovable) characters.
Books I Have Written:
When Skies are Gray (Elk Lake Publishing, Inc.)
The Addie McCormick Adventures
Addie McCormick and…
The Stranger in the Attic
The Mystery of the Missing Scrapbook
The Stolen Statue
The Chicago Surprise
The Mystery of the Skeleton Key
The Computer Pirate
The Secret of the Scarlet box
The Movie Mystery
What I'm Working On Now:
I currently have several works-in-progress. One is a contemporary middle-grade mystery novel and one is a slightly goofy, totally-for-fun picture book. I’m also working on a screenplay of the Pilgrim adventure that established the Christian roots of our great country.
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