Lucinda Kinsinger
Why I Started Writing:
I started writing because I love words, because I am a shy person and express myself best on paper, and because I had things to say that no one else was saying.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
Authors who influenced me include John Steinbeck and contemporary Christian author Jamie Langston Turner.
Books I Have Written:
My first book, Anything But Simple: My Life as a Mennonite (Herald Press, 2017), tells of my experiences growing up in a rural Mennonite community and explores the complexities that come with being Mennonite or just with being human. My second book, The Arrowhead (Christian Light Publications, 2017), reimagines the history of a little boy's answered prayer in a colorful and captivating way that children love. My latest book Turtle Heart: Unlikely Friends with a Life-Changing Bond with Elk Lake Publishing. It tells the story of my friendship with a feisty, dark-eyed old woman who changed my perspective of life and of God. I am also a columnist for Anabaptist World and blog at
What I'm Working On Now:
Currently, I have another children’s book, this one based on my mom’s childhood and called Rosanna in the Middle, with the same publisher that published The Arrowhead. They are working on illustrations. I have many more ideas waiting to be written.
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