Mary Ann Kerl
Why I Started Writing:
I wanted to be a writer since I was eight years old. In fact, I remember the day I made the decision. While waiting in the car with my father to go to Sunday School one Sunday, he told me to read my lesson that included a short story. The story touched me. After I read it, I told my Dad to read the good story. He did. I told him that I got goosebumps when I read the story. “When I grow-up, I want to write stories that give people goosebumps,” I said. My father chuckled and said that was a great idea, and I could do that by going to school and studying, especially English. So, I went to college and got a B.S. degree in Journalism. After graduation, I free-lanced for magazines and then worked for nearly twenty years as a newspaper correspondent, first for Tulsa World and then for The Daily Oklahoman, the two largest dailies in the state. I loved my work as a journalist and today I enjoy writing books.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
A lot of authors inspired me, but the one who sticks in my mind is Tom Clancy. I thought he was a genius at pacing. I also enjoy reading J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, John Gresham, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost and Katherine Mansfield.
Books I Have Written:
My published books consist of novels, devotions and cookbooks. Langmarc Publishing sent me on a book tour for my Christian fantasy, Angel on Trial, and Are You Listening, Lord?, devotions for Christian teen girls. They also published a companion devotion book for Christian teen boys, Cut Me Some Slack, Lord. The three books remain in print at
I also enjoy writing cookbooks and also have a B.S. degree in Family Consumer Science. I love to test and develop original recipes in my kitchen. Quxiote published three cookbooks: Camp Cookin’, Breads! Breads! Breads! and The Eat Cheap Cookbook, available on Amazon or .
Other published novels include The Secret, a middle-reader Christian mystery, The Proposal, a Christian romance, and Janessa’s Clues to the Cabin Mystery, a young adult Christian mystery. Augsburg published Where Are You, Lord?, selling about 40,000 copies before going out of print.
I have two other novels for future release: A Family Promise, a Christian romance to be published by none other than Elk Lake Publishing!, and I Want to be Kicked Out of School, a middle-reader book to be published by Doodle ‘n Peck.
To date, I have written 33 books and am marketing about a dozen of them.
What I'm Working On Now:
I am writing another Christian romance and also a children’s book for middle readers. Generally, I enjoy working on two or three books at the same time.
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