Nan Jones
Why I Started Writing:
I have always loved words. I was the kid whose favorite after-school activity was curling up in our oversized green corduroy easy chair with a book and a sliced green pepper with French dressing. I know that’s strange, but I can still go to that place of escape vividly in my mind.
When I was twelve, I made my first bucket list and sitting right at the top of the list was “write a book.” I created books often, and my class reports were something to behold. I designed the covers and illustrated the pages … can anyone say, “teacher’s pet”?
But I loved everything about reading and books and words.
In 1992 I attended a women’s conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma, while my husband was attending seminary at Oral Roberts University. During a time of worship, the Holy Spirit prompted me to open my eyes and look around. With glistening eyes and hands raised, I saw the women around me. The Lord enabled me to sense their pain, their fears … their struggles of faith when life is hard. In that moment, the Lord called me “on wings of fire to melt the wounded hearts of stone.”
For eighteen years that moment, that strong word from the Lord, marinated in my soul only to intensify over time. In the waiting, I raised my three children, served alongside my husband in pastoral ministry, and wrote every chance I got, mostly for myself and loved ones. But I allowed God to hone my skills and clarify the vision He had given me. Then in 2010 I had the opportunity to begin pursuing my dream of writing and speaking as a focused ministry to women.
Today, through the written word on the page, and the spoken words of my heart, I help others recognize God’s presence in their difficult places. The Lord has gifted me to paint with my words, helping my readers open their eyes to see the Lord’s fingerprints all about them.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
- Margaret Jensen: an author who took time to encourage me to “don’t stop writing!”
- Marlene Bagnull: Write His Answer. Marlene’s book was like a shepherd leading me to understand what the Lord was asking of me.
- Cecil Murphy: granted me my first scholarship to a writer’s conference
- Cindy Sproles: taught me how to write with my voice and tell my story well, even in nonfiction
- Ann Voskamp: taught me how to write through the pain in such a way that others could relate
- Priscilla Shirer and Beth Moore: taught me how to make the Scriptures come alive for the reader, making God’s Word applicable and relevant
Books I Have Written:
The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife, a nonfiction book helping the pastor’s wife realize that “Somewhere, somehow, somebody knows what she is going through.” Perils was a Badge of Honor Winner and a 2016 Selah Finalist.
What I'm Working On Now:
I have just joined the Elk Lake Publishing family with The Offering: How to Emerge from Shattered Faith. I’m looking forward to working alongside this special group of people to bring forth the very important message this book brings to women of mature faith whose heart has been devastated by the unthinkable, and who finds her faith laying shattered at her feet. The Offering will lead her back to the Cross where her journey began and will bring restoration to the intimate love she once shared with her God. Also in the works is a bedside book of evening prayers, Stained Glass in the Evening Light, and a memoir, Sacred Ashes: A Journey Through Dementia
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