Natalie Ford
Why I Started Writing:
I have loved writing since I was a little girl; in elementary school I wrote a story for entire year and gifted it to my parents for Christmas. The following Christmas, my dad gave it back to me – 100 copies published. This began my love relationship with writing. I write for pleasure. I write to process my thoughts and feelings. I write as therapy. In short, I enjoy writing.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
Elisabeth Elliot, Francine Rivers, C.S. Lewis, Paul in the New Testament
Books I Have Written:
Tears to Joy: Finding Hope in the Presence of Bipolar Disorder and Suicide
Grace-based Counseling: An Effective New Biblical Model
Seeking Answers, Finding Peace: Loving and Losing Someone with Mental Illness
What I'm Working On Now:
I just finished two major projects so I am in the brainstorming phase, but I am currently exploring the relationship between joy and gratitude as well as writing a counseling “how-to” guide for working with survivors of suicide (those left behind after suicide loss).
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