Nicolas C. Day

Why I Started Writing:

I’ve always had a rabid imagination and never really gave much credence to the invisible age limit for playing make believe. Words also flowed much easier for me on paper than from my mouthmaybe because I used to say things like “wabbit” and “tennis wacket.” In any case, from the age that I could write, I’ve always enjoyed making up stories. As I “grew up”, (and I use that term in the loosest sense possible), I attempted to write a book here and there, but as an accomplished procrastinator, I rarely got past the first chapter. Things changed a few years after Christ entered my life, and I spent an evening in prayer, asking how I could be a warrior for Him. The mental response caught me by surprise: I could be a scribe. Maybe it was leftover pizza I had eaten, or delusion from the lack of sleep that comes from being a new father, but regardless, I finally had the fuel to see a manuscript through to the endchoosing to partner up and write for His Glory, rather than simply for my own selfish purposes. 

Authors Who Have Influenced Me:

No Christian fantasy author’s list would be complete without mention of C. S. Lewis or J. R. R. Tolkien. To me, they remain the gold standard for wrapping biblical truths in fantasy worlds. But from a writer’s perspective, I’ve also really come to appreciate the well-crafted plots of J.K. Rowling, the snappy style of Rick Riordan, and the rambling wit of Douglas Adams. At at the end of the day, however, I must say that nothing quite delights me like the whimsical adventures of George MacDonald, Lewis Carroll, and Roald Dahl.  

Books I Have Written:

My current project with Elk Lake Publishing is going to be my debut novel. Shorter works I have published are my short story “The Tantrum Particle” in Bards and Sages Quarterly, and my articles “3 Prominent Figures of the Old Testament that Would Dominate in Sports” and “How Does Jesus Stack Up Against the Greatest Action Heroes of the Big Screen?” in GodInterest Magazine

What I'm Working On Now:

My current focus is a spaghetti-filled middle-grade fantasy trilogy, though I am also writing snippets here and there for a chapter book series and a YA series, as well as a standalone sci-fi piece. There’s also an old short story in my back pocket that I might brush the dust off and turn into a children’s book.  

Nicolas Day

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