P. S. Wells
Why I Started Writing:
I was a modern dance major in college. When I blew out my knees, the other major that resonated with my heart was writing. My favorite in the grocery is the stationary aisle with the dark chocolate section a close second. Libraries and book stores have always been on the same level as Disney for me.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
I'm a fan of nearly all genres and a myriad of writers. Favorites include Clive Cussler, Vince Flynn, Karen Hancock, John Erickson, and Sandra Boynton.
Books I Have Written:
- The Slave Across the Street
- Homeless for the Holidays
- Chasing Sunrise
- Slavery in the Land of the Free
- Bonding with Your Child Through Boundaries
- Rediscovering Your Happily Ever
- What To Do When You Don't Know What To Say
- What To Do When You Don't Know What To Say To Your Own Family
- What To Do When You Don't Want To Go To Church
- What To Do When You're Scared to Death
- Holding Down the Fort
- First Ladies, Second to None: Abigail Adams
- First Ladies, Second to None: Edith Wilson
- Fergie
- Soulja Boy
- Kanye West
What I'm Working On Now:
I am always working on at least four projects simultaneously.
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