Peggy Blann Phifer
Why I Started Writing:
I’ve always been an avid reader ever since I learned my ABCs and was given my first sewn cloth book, then graduated to the Little Golden Books. I’ve been told I was never without a book of some kind in my hands. That never changed as I grew older. I loved the escape into a wonderful world of foreign places, fascinating people, and exciting adventures. Yet, I never even gave a thought to becoming an author who could pen stories like the ones I enjoyed. Not until I reached the half-century mark was I challenged to write a book of my own. This happened on a lunch break at work, when I finished an unsatisfying book, threw it down and said, “I could write a book better than that!” And my friend said, “Then why don’t you?”
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
Over the years and decades, my favorite authors were James A. Michener, Leon Uris, Alexandre Dumas, and Agatha Christie. Yes, I had a broad reading taste. But most recently, since starting my own writing journey, those who have had the most influence over me are Jack Cavanaugh—who gave me my first real push into novel writing—Deborah Raney, Brandilyn Collins, Randy Ingermanson, and Kim Vogel Sawyer. Again, a diverse group of writers and genres.
Books I Have Written:
I self-published my debut novel, To See the Sun, a romantic suspense, released in January 2012. Since then I’ve written a number of novelettes for different anthologies published during 2012-2014. My second novel, Somehow, Christmas Will Come, women’s fiction with a touch of romance, released first in November 2014 from Elk Lake Publishing and has since been re-released with a new cover design this past year.
What I'm Working On Now:
I self-published my debut novel, To See the Sun, a romantic suspense, released in January 2012. Since then I’ve written a number of novelettes for different anthologies published during 2012-2014. My second novel, Somehow, Christmas Will Come, women’s fiction with a touch of romance, released first in November 2014 from Elk Lake Publishing and has since been re-released with a new cover design this past year.
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