Poppy Smith
Why I Started Writing:
I am not one of those women who always longed to write. In fact, it never occurred to me until three writers who heard me teaching at different venues asked why I didn’t write what I was presenting. As a former Bible Study Fellowship Lecturer, teaching is my love. It was only when a pastor said, “What you write will reach far more people than speaking,” that I began to weigh it seriously.
But I still wasn’t convinced I could either write or get published. Reading an article on the Parable of the Talents one night, God began to deal with my attitude. What was behind my reluctance to explore if this was part of His plan for me? Fear, laziness, indifference? Convicted, I told God I would move forward, do my best, and leave the results to Him. For me, writing books is an act of obedience. I love the Lord and I’m committed to do whatever He leads me into.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
I am indebted to many writers whose words have taught and inspired me in my spiritual journey. As a young believer facing painful circumstances, I discovered J. Oswald Sanders whose insight into the surrendered Christian life greatly shaped my walk. His books: Spiritual Maturity, Spiritual Clinic, and Spiritual Leadership among many others are still my favorites. J.I. Packer’s book, Knowing God, David Seamand’s book, Healing for Damaged Emotions, and Leslie Vernick’s book, Emotionally Destructive Relationships have not only been sources of knowledge and growth but also equipped me to encourage and give hope to others.
Books I Have Written:
Go for It! is my fifth book. My first one, I’m Too Young to be This Old was published by Bethany House and republished by Harvest House. It is still available and has sold over 160,000. My second and third books were also published by Bethany House. I have since retitled them: I’m Too Human to be Like Jesus: Spiritual Growth for the Not-So-Perfect Woman, and Reaching Higher. The purpose of my fourth book Why Can’t He be More Like Me? is to help singles and marrieds understand the issues that create division and how to build their relationships instead of walking away. Each chapter is illustrated with funny but true personal stories, Scriptures, and practical steps to make their relationships work.
In addition, I’ve had two Bible studies published by Fisherman Guide: Wisdom for Today’s Woman (Esther), and Speak Wisely—Exploring the Power of Words.
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