Robert L. Wise
Why I Started Writing:
With a college degree in art, I was pursing painting and ceramics when I received a phone call from a publisher. With little confidence in my writing ability, I wrote WHEN THERE IS NO MIRACLE that was out there for more than twenty-five years. From that experience, I realized books cross oceans and decades.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
Daniel Silva and Larry McMurtry have been major influences in the area of fiction. The writing of Agatha Christie interests me. On the classical side, James Joyce, Charles Dickens, and Zadie Smith (White Teeth) have been significant.
Books I Have Written:
I am the author of thirty-five published books and numerous articles published in English, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, and German. My book When There Is No Miracle sold for over twenty-five years. I authored When the Night Is Too Long, and The People of the Covenant Series including The Dawning, The Exiles, and The Fall of Jerusalem, for Thomas Nelson publishers. My novel, All That Remains, was also released by Nelson as well as Be Not Afraid. In addition, I have been the ghost author of six published novels, including The Death of Innocence, the story of the murder of JonBenet Ramsey. In the millennium series, my best-selling works include The Third Millennium, The Fourth Millennium, Beyond the Millennium, and Megamillennium. The Tail of the Dragon is in bookstores as well as Be Not Afraid. I started a new mystery series with The Empty Coffin and The Dead Detective. Time-Warner Faith has published Wired and Tagged. In addition, Broadman & Holman in 2004 published The Narrow Door at Colditz and in the Spring of 2005 released The Bitter Road to Dachau followed in 2006 by The Secret Road Home. Regal Books presented Crossing the Threshold of Eternity, a Christian exploration of near-death experiences in the Fall of 2007. In the spring of 2008, Regal released The Son Rises: Resurrecting the Resurrection. My books have sold over a million copies to date.
Abingdon published Shrouded in Silence that received laudatory reviews in such publications as RT Book reviews. Leafwood publishers presented Joshua’s Way in October, 2013. Revell released Network of Deception in mid-June, 2014. Harper/Collins published 82 Days On Okinawa and I Marched With Patton in 2019 and 2020.
I also have written under the pseudonyms Spencer E. Moses and Ed Moses.
What I'm Working On Now:
I have 14,000 followers on my YouTube MIRACLES NEVER CEASE videos and 7,000 recipients of my weekly blogs. We are producing a Kindle MIRACLES NEVER CEASE book for this audience. In addition, I am completing a spy novel on Dietrich Bonhoeffer as well as a response to racism in America entitled, THE AUDACITY OF EVIL.
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