Ronda Simpson
Why I Started Writing:
I have always loved to write. When I was a young girl, I would spend my summer vacations writing. I am finally brave enough to fulfill my dreams of publishing a book, and hopefully many more. I want this to be my next career.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
My first significant influencer was Laura Ingalls Wilder, having read all her Little House books in fourth grade. I was brought back in time to her travels and felt like I had been there right with her.
In addition, I love to have fun when I’m reading. Luci Swindoll and Patsy Clairmont have shown me a funny voice is valuable in a book.
After having discovered Christian fiction, I have delighted in the works of Lori Wick, Jen Turano and Francine Rivers. They have different styles, and encourage me to want to share my stories.
Books I Have Written:
To Steal Maggie’s Heart, Book One in the series, Grooms for Garfield (2022)
What I'm Working On Now:
Book Two in the series, Grooms for Garfield, tentatively named, To Stitch Sophie’s Heart.
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