Steven Rogers
Why I Started Writing:
I’ve been blessed, or perhaps cursed, with an overactive imagination. My everyday interactions and observations generate short vignettes and elaborate tales. After spending years dreaming of pursuing writing as a vocation, I decided it was time to unleash some of those stories. Now, I can’t envision doing anything else.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
I’m fascinated with the craft of storytelling and tremendously admire anyone who can draw me into a fictional world. Matt Christopher tops the list. When I was in second grade, his book The Reluctant Pitcher sparked a lifelong love of reading fiction. Since that time, there are many authors who have influenced me in a variety of ways. Of special note are John Steinbeck, Katherine Paterson, Walter Mosely, Bernard Malamud, and Anton Myrer. Their stories impacted my view of the human condition. Stephen King is a personal hero because of his sheer love of the process. In the faith-based world, I enjoy reading Francine Rivers and Billy Coffey, whose characters always remind me that doubts, faults, and failure are a necessary part of any faith journey. Finally, William Barclay taught me the Bible—his series of New Testament studies changed my life.
Books I Have Written:
Into the Room is my first published novel. My other novel, The Lightning Branch, sits on my shelf, waiting for a day when I will revisit the story.
What I'm Working On Now:
Into the Room is the first book in The Accidental Pilgrim Trilogy. My current project is the second book in the series, as my protagonist, Ben Cahill, continues on his path to redemption. I also post a monthly column on my website, These columns are intended to provide a lighthearted escape from life’s stresses. I’m hoping, at some point, to publish them in a book. In addition, when inspiration strikes, I’ll write a short story, usually a reflection on a recent experience or conversation.
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