Sue A. Fairchild

Why I Started Writing:

I’ve always loved reading and writing from a very early age, but I never considered writing for profit or for anything other than myself until about ten years ago. While in Sunday school, I told a story about my dog and related his obedience to how we need to be obedient to Christ. A woman in the class said, “That would make a great devotion.” I said, “Great. What’s a devotion.” She invited me to her writing group where they helped me develop the story into a 250-word devotion for "The Secret Place." I sold the piece and have been writing for more than just myself ever since. I’ve sold many short devotions, three Chicken Soup for the Soul stories, self-published two books, written countless blogs and a few newspaper articles, and have one traditionally published book with Elk Lake. I have another book waiting in the wings to be published as well. Now, I write to express my feelings and ideas as well as, hopefully, show the love of Christ to others.

Authors Who Have Influenced Me:

The Bible influences me. I never want to stray from that truth and always want to point people back to it. When I was young, I read a lot of Stephen King. I know a lot of Christians don’t read him, and I don’t any longer, but the way he tells a story and brings the reader in and sets a scene and makes you feel every emotion … it’s all masterful. To this day, when I see fog, I think about his story "The Mist," which I read in my teens. That’s lasting impact.

Books I Have Written:

Changing Tides

What You Think You Know

Summer’s Refrain

What I'm Working On Now:

Changing Seasons, which continues the story of a secondary character from Changing Tides. The manuscript is contracted with Elk Lake and should be out late 2024 or 2025.



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