Thomas Nye
Why I Started Writing:
As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. I felt there ought to be a descriptive novel about the farming aspect of Amish life. After searching unsuccessfully for such a book, I felt compelled to write one myself. My experience with the Amish goes back forty years. When I was nineteen, I moved into an Amish community and became friends with Amish teens. From that time forward, hardly a week has gone by that I did not step onto an Amish farm. Years of trading workhorses with my Amish neighbors afforded many wonderful experiences to draw from. My natural artistic bent and storytelling personality are my credentials. Once I dove into the pool of Amish fiction, I had no desire to get out. Come on in—the water is fine! Ten published Amish novels and short stories later, I have only scratched the surface of what I want to share with the world about America’s hidden treasure: the Amish.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
My favorite author is John Steinbeck. I also enjoy Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mark Twain, Harold Lloyd Bell, and contemporary writer Nicholas Sparks.
Books I Have Written:
The Amish Horses Series: Under the Heavens (book I) Catbird Singing (book II) and English River (book III) Newly released: Samson and Amish Delilah. Novellas: Whispering to Horses and Amish Park. Contributions to three anthology books: Springs of Love (Cowboys and Amish Girls), Love’s Thankful Heart (The Thanksgiving Frolic), Plain Everyday Heroes (Racing the Slow Girls), and The Amish Menorah (The Silo).
What I'm Working On Now:
Currently, I am dreaming up a conclusion for my nearly completed sequel to Samson and Amish Delilah. I also have a couple of short stories in the works. Hopefully, one of them will make it into a follow-up book with the men of Amish fiction.
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