Timothy J. Moynihan
Why I Started Writing:
I loved reading and loved books since before I can remember. Or maybe as far back as I can remember because my earliest memories date back to my infancy. My mother cultivated my love for books and my father cultivated my interest in military, espionage, and adventure. I have a vivid imagination and wrote a few short stories and comic books growing up, but I was in too big a hurry to experience life to cultivate my writing. I left home at 18 to join the Army and spent the next 23 years in military and/or intelligence work. I wrote a lot for my job, but I was never motivated to write outside of work. Then, in the middle of my military career, I was radically saved and born again through the witness of a fellow soldier. Before I knew it, I was involved in ministry, writing Bible studies, sermons and the occasional pastoral column for the local paper. Then I started story-telling to my children. My wife urged me to write what I told. I took a step of faith and enrolled in the Institute of Children’s Literature creative writing program. I learned two things from ICL. First, I did not enjoy writing for children. And second, I could conceivably write for the commercial market if I applied myself. Writing is a hobby to help me express ideas, convictions, and emotions outside of the parameters of my main calling which is to teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
I read the Bible. A lot. Fiction-wise, I like literary authors who write complex and psychologically intense action stories. Joseph Conrad (Heart of Darkness is my all-time favorite book), Graham Greene and John Le Carré are my three favorites. Then, Jean Lartéguy, George Orwell, Raymond Chandler, Ray Bradbury, Robert Louis Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling, Cormac McCarthy, Philip Caputo, and Ross Macdonald (I could go on and on). I love Moby Dick by Herman Melville, and I believe Stephen King is the greatest short story writer of the last forty-five years although I do not care for most of his novels. And his autobiography, On Writing, is a must-read … if you can stand his salty language. Despite that onerous list, truth is, I prefer non-fiction. I also have several friends who are published authors who have inspired me personally.
Books I Have Written:
No Greater Love: An Afghan Memoir was published by Trumpet Blast Press as an e-novelette for Nook, Kindle and other platforms. It’s available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Smashwords. It’s part of the Prodigal Avenger universe although it’s a completely different story. It’s about Colonel Mike “Pancho” Sanchez, one of the lead characters in Prodigal Avenger, in his post-military struggle to overcome PTSD, particularly the memories of a specific, horrific battle. It’s an intensely personal story for me, that’s all I can say.
What I'm Working On Now:
Double Tap Angel, the sequel to Prodigal Avenger. It takes place a few years after the events of both Prodigal Avenger and No Greater Love. It’s about ISIS, Iraq, persecuted Christians, WMDs, and terrorism at home. No, it is NOT about a weapon of mass destruction threatening the United States. Haven’t we had enough of those? It’s about a father’s love for his daughter and the price of love. Just like Prodigal Avenger (father-son love) and No Greater Love (brother-brother love). All you need is love, baby. Love, faith, and superior firepower.
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