Tracy Hester
Why I Started Writing:
My love for writing birthed out of a painful transition in my life—a divorce. Journaling my feelings, questions, and thoughts each day became writing therapy for me. God used writing to heal me and to draw me into a deeper relationship with him. I often tell others my writing gift was lying dormant until I was ready to accept and use it. I'll never forget the two separate occasions when God spoke to me about starting to write. The first time I was in my kitchen, God told me to start journaling my thoughts and prayers in a blog, and through this process, I would get healed. My response to God was, "okay, but I'm not a writer." Although I was not confident in my writing, I wrote a weekly devotional focusing on my healing journey for two years. The second time God spoke to me about writing was two years later. God told me it was time for me to publish the devotionals into a book. I hesitated but soon realized the reason why God gave me this gift was beyond my pain. My gift of writing was to inspire others who were walking through a similar healing journey. Today, almost eight years later, writing is how God uses me to evangelize, give hope, spread joy, and inspire others to go deeper in their walk with God. Writing is how I get to spread the love of God to others.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
- Bob Sorge has had a significant influence on me because of his deep intimacy and passion for God in his book. This intimacy and passion compel me to strive for a deeper relationship with God. But, more importantly, his writing style transforms the reader. Bob inspires me not just to write words but to first seek God's face for what I should write. Thus, God's voice will continually transform my readers.
- Lysa Terkeurst's books inspire me because of her strong message of healing and inspiring women to live their best lives. Lisa writes with courage and authenticity—she is not afraid to show her scars so other women can be set free. I can relate to Lisa's book because I feel our missions are aligned. I'm passionate about helping women walk into the abundant and victorious lives we are promised in scripture. Her writings inspire me to be relatable and authentic in my writings as well.
Books I Have Written:
All Things New! Discovering God's Peace and Protection during Challenging Times, WESTBOW Press March 2018
What I'm Working On Now:
Get Up, Girl, Let's Go, Elk Lake Publishing, Winter 2022
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