Zanne Dyer
Why I Started Writing:
My first encounter with writing was at seven years old, hiding under the bed covers with my diary and a flashlight. I penned innocent thoughts about a favorite climbing tree, my most feared school teacher, dreams of magic carpet rides, and of a floating bubble, complete with its own steering wheel. My journals evolved, and so did my reading. I quickly moved from Tolkien’s The Borrowers, to Jane Austin’s Jane Eyre. From there, I covered most of the classics. These books inspired poems, short stories, and children’s adventure tales. As an adult, I’ve written devotionals and inspirational short stories. In the last few years of my writing journey, I’ve become fascinated with crime and suspense. This is where I’ve landed my floating bubble in the journey of writing.
Authors Who Have Influenced Me:
Don’t laugh, but it all started with William S. Gray’s Dick and Jane and Friends children’s series. Dick and Jane taught me that the world of reading was an entirely new and magical dimension of life. Later, I was deeply influenced by authors such as Louisa May Alcott, Daphne du Maurier, Orson Wells, Victor Hugo, Jane Austin, Emile Bronte, Margaret Mitchell, Ray Bradbury, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Recent authors include Ted Dekker, Vince Flynn, and Steven James. And, most importantly, the authors of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Books I Have Written:
Dark Motives is the first full length novel I have written. It stems from a fascination both with crime stories and the incomprehensible mind of a sociopath. This interest has also been fueled by my husband’s career as a criminal attorney. He has plenty of real-life cases to talk about. Probably more than I’d like!
What I'm Working On Now:
I’m currently in the early stages of developing another suspense novel. I’m also working on a series of devotionals based on the mindset of being heaven-bound verses earth anchored.
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