Christmas Books for the Littles

If your Christmas list includes littles, and you observe the four gift rule–

  • something they want,
  • something they need,
  • something to wear and
  • something to read–

one of these books might be just want you need for that last item.

A Holy Night in Bethlehem by Kristin Lehr, The Christmas Gift by John Alexander, Ed’s Christmas Miracle by Ginny Merritt, The Best Gift of All by Michelle Lazurek, Away in the Snow: Mimi’s Every Day Adventures by Lisa Trumbore, and T’was the Night Before Jesus by Donna Wyland.


Another book in the Heavenly Heroes Series

A Holy Night in Bethlehem is a Christian picture book depicting the birth story of Jesus. The beautiful retell is told in a unique perspective of spiral language and bold imagery to help children of all ages understand the biblical significance of the birth of our Savior.

Paperback $9.99 | Ebook $4.99

ISBNs: 978-1-64949-115-2 (paperback) | 978-1-64949-116-9 (hardcover) |  978-1-64949-117-6 (trade paperback) | 978-1-64949-118-3 (ebook)



As she warms herself by the fireplace in the mansion on a hill, Ms. Mouse considers her husband’s question, “What do you want for Christmas?” An angelic vision in the embers reveals the perfect request. The fulfillment of her gift demonstrates the joy of giving. This book should appeal to children ages 4-8 as well as educators, day care workers, and teachers in Christian schools who want to inspire the joy of giving.

Paperback $9.99 | Ebook $4.99

ISBNs: 978-1-951080-62-4 (paperback) |978-1-951080-61-7 (hardcover) |  978-1-951080-63-1 (trade paperback)



Ed's Christmas MiracleEd’s Christmas Miracle is a true story that happened in rural New York in 1963 when Ed Stevens was a boy of nine. His family was poor, and his mom, dad, and siblings had been sick with the flu for several days prior to Christmas. There was no food in the house and no snow on the ground.

On Christmas Eve, Ed sat on his front porch, staring at his Tonka trucks. When he heard chimes at the church up the street and knew neighbors were inside, praying and singing, he decided to pray, too. He asked God to help his family get better. And he asked for snow, to make Jesus’ birthday special.

God answered the young boy’s prayer in an unexpected way with a lake effect storm that brought over 30 inches of snow to the area by Christmas night. Ed’s dad was too ill to do the plowing that he usually did at the nearby Dairy League Plant with his Farmall tractor, so the farmers could bring their milk in to be trucked to NYC. He asked Ed to do the job.

Ed was inexperienced, small, and frightened. But his hard work and a community spirit combined with faith brought about a miracle. Ed’s Christmas miracle.

Paperback $7.99 | Ebook $3.99

ISBNs: 978-1-64949-090-2 (paperback) |  978-1-64949-091-9 (trade paperback) | 978-1-64949-092-6 (ebook)


Paige can’t wait for Christmas so she can receive her favorite doll. Her mother gives her the doll, but she also lovingly hand stitches a teddy bear and offers this as another gift. Paige, unaware of the time and effort taken to make this gift, tosses the bear to the side. Mother is upset, but Paige doesn’t understand why.

She and her mom volunteer at the local food pantry. Paige meets Luisa, a girl who doesn’t have much money. Luisa shows Paige her favorite toy—a one-eared teddy bear, stained and dirty. Paige doesn’t understand why Luisa likes that bear until she hears her story. When Paige comes home and picks up the bear her Mom made, she realizes the best gifts of all are not the ones that come wrapped with pretty dresses, but the ones made with great love.

Paperback $9.99

ISBNs: 978-1-951080-65-5 (paperback) |  978-1-951080-64-8 (hardcover) | 978-1-951080-66-2 (ebook)


Away in the Snow for Christmas: MiMi's Every Day Adventures by [Lisa Boehm Trumbore, Victor Singer]Mimi’s Everyday Adventures …
where every day is an adventure!

Although the cousins are excited for Christmas, MiMi steps in and turns this Christmas into an extraordinary adventure no one will ever forget.

* MiMi stories are sprinkled with teachable “MiMi Moments”
* Inspired by six adventure-filled grandchildren and a niece
* Motivates children to work together and rely on each other
* Ignites your child’s imagination and creativity
* Sparks a wondrous sense of adventure in your child’s heart

Paperback $7.99 | Ebook $2.99

ISBNs: 978-1-942513-73-5  (paperback) | 978-1-942615-70-4 (trade paperback)


Paperback $9.99 | Trade paperback $10.99 | Hardcover $19.99 | Ebook $5.99

ISBNs: 978-1-64949-388-0 (paperback) | 978-1-64949-390-3 (hardcover) | 978-1-64949-389-7 (trade paperback) | 978-1-64949-391-0 (ebook)



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Deb Haggerty

Deb Haggerty is Publisher and Editor in Chief of Elk Lake Publishing, Inc., a Christian publisher that “Publishes the Positive.” An author, award-winning blogger, and professional speaker, she’s been writing stories for over forty-five years. In 2019, she released two books: Experiencing God’s Love in a Broken World—A Spiritual Journey, co-written with her husband, Roy, and These Are the Days of My Life, her memoir with a bonus section of business tips. Roy and Deb live outside Plymouth, MA, with their feisty dachshund, Coki.