If this blog feels so last year, well, it’s because it is. Here are the books that made it to print with ELPI in the last half of 2019:
August: Tommi Pockets by Marsha Hubler, I Love the World: It’s People I Can’t Stand by Dave Beckwith, Talitha, the Traveling Skirt by Becky Van Vleet, Song of Sugar Sands by Debra Coleman Jeter, and Shadow of the Dagger by Anne Greene.
September: Sword of Soter by Raleen Burke, The Girl He Knew by Clarice G. James, Heart of the Ajs by T. E. Bradford, The Mystery of Ghost Dancer Ranch by Patrick E. Craig, Pursuing Gold: A Historical and Critical Thinking Curriculum by Cynthia L. Simmons.
October: Stumbling upon Romance by Sally Jo Pitts, Bumpersticker Be-Atitudes by Deb DeArmond, The Best Gift of All by Michelle Lazurek, In Search of Destiny by Derinda Babcock, Jesus Calms a Storm by Kristin Lehr, Deceived: God Brought Purpose from My Pain, by Molly S. White, Your Winning Edge by Dave and Joanne Beckwith, It Really IS a Wonderful Life by Linda Wood Rondeau.
November: What Did You Bring Me? by Mary Mueller, The Christmas Gift, by John Alexander, Victor and the Vroom by Lydia Rueger, The Great Cave Caper, by Max Elliot Anderson, Capsized by Death by Catherine Finger, These Are the Days of My Life by Deb Haggerty.

Thirteen-year-old Tommi “Pockets” Leland has one goal in life—to be the first female world champion pool player. But in the 1950s, gals were not welcome in poolrooms. With her pop’s approval, she disguises herself as a boy to shoot at a local poolroom, where she and her pop are an unbeatable team.
But Pockets has another secret life that even Pop and Meemaw know nothing about. She runs with the Thorns, a street gang, and during a rumble with the Hawks, the hated rival gang, Pockets is arrested. Instead of being sent to reform school with the other gang members, she must counsel with Salvation Army Captain Arlene Masters, who has a passion to help kids.
$9.99 Paperback $3.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-9510800-05-1 (trade) | 978–1-951080-06-8 (paperback) | 978-1-951080-07-5 (Ebook)

Overcoming fears and threats
•Dealing with crazy-makers and malicious people
•Experiencing God’s love when you’re at your lowest
•Taming the wild stallion of the soul
•Repairing relational brokenness
•Learning the power of being powerless
•Four types of anger and how to deal with each type
•How to do a “controlled release” of anger
$12.99 Paperback | $4.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-950051-56-4 (trade) | 978-1-950051-57-1 (paperback) | 978-1-950051-58-8 (Ebook

Meet Talitha, a little plaid skirt that likes to travel.
Through the years, she visits many two-year-old girls in a special family who wear her skirt to get their pictures taken. But Talitha encounters problems when she least expects it. Filled with colorful and detailed illustrations, young children will delight in this heartwarming story about a little skirt’s adventures.
$15.99 Hardcover | $9.99 Paperback | $4.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-951080-30-0 (hardcover) | 978-1-971080-27-3 (trade) | 978-1-951080-28-0 (paperback) 978-1-951080-29-7 (Ebook)

Too selfish, too sinful, and too skeptical to marry a preacher. Yet, Acadia Powers does. God truly does work in a mysterious way. Acadia nearly lost her faith at an early age due to what she saw as the hypocrisy of her parents’ generation. In college—where the novel begins—she meets and falls in love with Peter O’Neil, who is fervent in his faith and wants to share the good news with the world. Can she reach deep enough inside, or beyond herself, to find what she needs to keep on trying, or has she made too many mistakes already?
$12.99 Paperback | $4.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-951080-32-7 (trade) | 978-1-951080-33-4 ( paperback) 978-1-9510180-34-1 (Ebook)

A Secret Map to Priceless Treasure,
A CIA Analyst Turned Detective
Three people are murdered and one kidnapped to find the solution to the map. As Nicole Phillips seeks to find her kidnapped brother, she doesn’t know whom to trust. No one is who they appear to be. All is deception.
To bring his brother’s murderer to justice, CIA Intel Analyst Josh Baruch puts his life on the line. Can he walk the tightrope between obeying the killers’ instructions and bringing them to justice?
Because Nicole Phillips’s husband died in a mysterious plane crash, she fears falling in love again with a reckless, danger-loving type like her late husband. Josh Baruch, the CIA analyst using her as bait to track her brother’s kidnapper, is just such a risk-taking man. Besides living on the edge, Josh is bitter about women and questions God.
$12.99 Paperback | $2.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-951080-18-1 (trade) | 978-1-951080-20-4 (paperback) | 978-1-951080-19-8 (Ebook)

New Kingdom – New Friends – New Dangers
Not Everyone Can Be Trusted
Karina, Tristian, Rashka, and Sam venture forth into the wilderness of Soter on the next leg of their quest to retrieve the Armor of the Creator. With the ancient evil already affecting the kingdom, nothing in Soter is what it seems—from what skulks beneath the canopies of the woods to what lies within the sleek white and gold of the capitol city to the people Karina and Tristan have known since they were children. Danger lurks around every corner. Discerning who to trust is paramount to staying alive and discovering the location of the Temple of Soter. Yet, to Karina’s horror, Faramos’s reach finds them time and again. The longer they are forced to dawdle, the more people are affected by the growing panic in Soter, and the closer Faramos is to taking over the Three Kingdoms. Can Karina retrieve the information they need while Tristan keeps his brother at bay? Or will the entire quest disintegrate before they even arrive at the temple?
$12.99 Paperback | $4.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-951080-24-2 (trade) | 978-1-951080-25-9 (paperback) | 978-1-951080-26-6 (Ebook)

The Girl He Knew – Or Did He?
Charlie Dawson is a co-owner of a successful design-build firm in his historic hometown of Plymouth, Massachusetts. More important to him is his happy marriage to Juliette, the girl he fell in love with in tenth-grade French class … the one he married right after college … the one he planned to have babies with soon—right up until the day she dropped dead.
Wrapping his mind and heart around the facts surrounding her sudden death is made even more difficult by an overbearing father-in-law—a retired Army Colonel and West Point graduate; a local police sergeant who suspects Charlie is at the center of foul play; and a compassionless and demanding client who doesn’t give him space or time to grieve.
Fearing he’ll forever lose the girl he knew, Charlie sets out on a course to discover the truth.
$12.99 Paperback | $4.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-951080-44-0 (trade) | 978-1-951080-45-7 (paperback) 978-1-951080-46-4 (Ebook)

She has magic she cannot use …
He has a secret she must uncover.
Asfar, first planet from the sun—a desert planet steeped in superstition and tradition. As daughter of the Shultan, Nafisa el Faruz is the princess, defender of the sun, and champion of her people. Hers is the most powerful magic—zaman—Holder of Time.
TRINITOS, third planet, is home to the sky gate and the wicked man who controls its use—the Ajs An’hlj. He is yunfah—a wind walker—one who can control the air itself. The only thing he covets more than control is power, and he has his sights set on Nafisa.
$3.99 Paperback | $2.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-951080-21-1 (trade) | 978-1-951080-22-8 (paperback) | 978-1-951080-23-5 (Ebook)

A Faith-filled Mystery Adventure for Young Adults
Cousins Hannah and Jacie, known as Punkin and Boo, are at their grandparent’s ranch in California for the summer. While exploring the old ranch, the girls stumble on a mystery that involves desperate crooks, the ghost of a long-dead Sioux war chief, a young Native American man on a mission to save his tribe, and secret tunnels and caves left over from an old Spanish Mission. Throw in a guardian angel who protects the girls from some evil spirits that want to bring the story to a bad end, and you have The Mystery of Ghost Dancer Ranch, the first in a series of faith-filled mystery adventures for young adults, featuring Punkin and Boo.
$9.99 Paperback | $3.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-951080-38-9 (trade) | 978-1-951080-39-6 (paperback) | 978-1-951080-40-2 (Ebook)

A Companion to Pursuing Gold: A Novel of the Civil War
Do you know how the Civil War changed money in America? Most people don’t. This remarkable curriculum combines years of research behind the historical fiction novel, Pursuing Gold, into a great resource for teachers. This book offers interesting historical insights, questions on each chapter in the book to ascertain comprehension, tips on teaching critical thinking, and money management.
$14.99 Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-950051-46-5 (trade) | 978-1-950051-47-2 (paperback)

God gives everyone a purpose—what we make of it is our legacy.
Come visit the quaint town of Hamilton Harbor. Nestled on the bay in Northwest Florida, this sleepy community is waking up as revived businesses, new friendships and budding romances come together in the salty coastal air. But renewal also rekindles mysteries from the past and a legacy of faith and hope for the future.
Some secrets need to be uncovered …
Accident-prone dog groomer, Claudia Stewart, is a newcomer to Hamilton Harbor, Florida. She hopes to shed her black cloud image, fit in the community, and find a guy who will knock her off her feet.
Instead, Claudia and her giant schnauzer client knock handyman Pete Cullen off his feet and leave him dangling from an overhead beam.
Pete, rejected by a past love, wants to focus on restoration projects and avoid romance at all costs. But Claudia, even with her bungling ways, threatens to steal his heart.
Was their crash meeting just another one of Claudia’s mishaps? Or did the encounter put them on a collision course with romance?
$10.99 Paperback | $3.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-951080-50-1 (trade) | 978-1-951080-51-8 (paperback) | 978-1-951080-52-5 (Ebook)

Bumper Sticker Be-Attitudes is your ride to enriching moments with Jesus!
Bumper Sticker Be-Attitudes is a devotional built on the belief there are spiritual principles everywhere we look—if we open our eyes to the truth.
We’re bombarded by messages from a world determined to inform, sell, and influence. From bumper stickers to billboards, someone’s always trying to tell us something. Often, at first glance, these messages may briefly amuse.
But a second look may reveal much more as we recognize biblical principles that enlighten, encourage, and empower us—in places we never expected to find them.
We shouldn’t be surprised to find God in unusual places. Paul tells us in Romans 1:19 “But the basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is!” (MSG).
From the bumper of the car in front of us to the fortune cookie after the Chow Mein, one-liners meant to entertain often hold a much deeper meaning when seen through the eyes of those who follow Christ.
Bumper Sticker Be-Attitudes captures those deeper meanings, combines them with a hearty helping of fun and touches the heart with humor and truth. If you’re a busy believer who needs a chuckle and a chunk of Jesus at the same time, pull quickly into the fast lane
$12.99 Paperback | $4.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-951080-41-9 (trade) | 978-1-951080-42-6 (paperback) 978-1-951080-43-3 (Ebook)

The Best Gifts of All Are Made with Love
Paige can’t wait for Christmas so she can receive her favorite doll. Her mother gives her the doll, but she also lovingly hand stitches a teddy bear and offers this as another gift. Paige, unaware of the time and effort taken to make this gift, tosses the bear to the side. Mother is upset, but Paige doesn’t understand why.
She and her mom volunteer at the local food pantry. Paige meets Luisa, a girl who doesn’t have much money. Luisa shows Paige her favorite toy—a one-eared teddy bear, stained and dirty. Paige doesn’t understand why Luisa likes that bear until she hears her story. When Paige comes home and picks up the bear her Mom made, she realizes the best gifts of all are not the ones that come wrapped with pretty dresses, but the ones made with great love.
$9.99 Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-951080-64-8 (hardcover) | 978-1-951080-65-5 (Trade) | 978-1-951080-66-2 (paperback)

Lexie Logan didn’t realize how much influence she had …
Yet the people she left in the past made life-changing decisions based on their belief in her knowledge of future events.
Because of Lexie, Jim and Edna Bell decide to leave their comfortable home to face an uncertain future and the dangers of the Oregon Trail. Others travel the Trail with them because their belief in her is so strong.Because of Lexie, Mary Bell Johnson knows her future will be impacted by the ugliness of the Civil War, yet she chooses to remain in Kansas with her husband knowing she may be widowed and left to raise her sons alone.
Because of Lexie, two brothers choose different sides of the conflict: one wears Union blue, the other rebel gray. As the war drags on, each wonders if he will survive the carnage to return home to rebuild a new life, or if he will die by his brother’s bullet.
$12.99 Paperback | $4.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-951090-79-2 (trade) | 978-1-951080-80-8 (paperback) | 978-1-951080-81-5 (Ebook)

A Retelling of a Familiar Bible Story
Jesus Calms a Storm is a Christian picture book depicting one of the many miracles performed by Jesus in the New Testament. This exciting retelling is told in a unique perspective of spiral language and bold imagery to help children of all ages understand the biblical significance of this wonder.
Jesus Calms a Storm blends a special combination of sight word development, repetitive language, and predictable patterns for children to enjoy. Jesus Calms a Storm also places a primary focus on prayer and gratitude toward God. Inspired from: Psalm 56:3 “When I am afraid I put my trust in you.” Children will be able to learn a simple prayer and the importance of hiding God’s word in their heart. Beginning with Jesus preaching the word of God and following along as the disciples go on a wild ride, Jesus Calms a Storm will take you on a historical journey through a New Testament favorite.
$15.99 Hardcover | $9.99 Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-951080-55-6 (hardcover) | 978-1-951080-56-3 (trade) | 978-1-951080-57-0 (paperback)

God Brought Purpose from My Pain
Deceived is the true story of Molly White, who, as a young adult, had two abortions. As a result, Molly struggled with alcohol and drug abuse, shame, guilt, anger, and depression, even thinking of suicide. Deceived tells the raw and candid story of what led to her abortion decisions, the negative impact those experiences had on her life and family, and her miraculous salvation and healing journey. As a result, God called her to be a voice through pro-life activism for those who cannot speak.
Through Molly’s powerful story, from lying on the abortionist’s table to rising as an international pro-life leader, the book educates readers on every aspect of the abortion issue including biblical insights, types of abortions, and scientific research on its consequences. Reading of God’s incredible love for Molly and women who’ve lost children through abortion, readers can learn how to join her on God’s amazing journey in pro-life service for him.
$12.99 Paperback | $4.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-951080-76-1 (trade) | 9781-951080-77-8 (paperback) | 978-1-951080-78-5 (Ebook)

Weakness Into Strength
An Entirely New Way of Living!
Overcoming Limitations and WoundednessDiscovering Power in WeaknessDefusing Tormentors in the MindReleasing Resentments and RegretsThe ABCs of Helping Others Change
$12.99 Paperback | $4.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-951080-73-0 (trade) | 978-1-951080-74-7 (paperback) | 978-1-951080-75-4 (Ebook)

Set in the beautiful Adirondack mountains, a perfect backdrop for a Christmas romance.
Midville newcomer and Iraq War widow, Dorie Fitzgerald, despises the frigid Adirondack wasteland that has now become her home. After twenty failed job interviews, she questions the wisdom of moving to be near her parents. Desperate to belong, she joins the local Community Theater, in production for It’s a Wonderful Life.
Jamey Sullivan has put his professional life on hold in order to run the family business and to help his ailing father. He signs on for Midville’s production of It’s a Wonderful Life, although he hopes to receive a Broadway casting call any day now.
When these two meet, they are instantly attracted to one another. However, ambition, demanding children, and a romantic rival threaten to squash their growing love for one another. Each must discover that the best things in life are found where your heart resides.
$12.99 Paperback | $4.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-951080-47-1 (trade) | 978-1-951080-48-8 (paperback) | 978-1-951080-49-5 (Ebook)

The Best Gifts Are from the Heart
A young boy asks people in his life, “What did you bring me?” to all the people in his life. What they bring him are not material things. He learns the best gifts are free and from the heart.
$16.99 Hardcover | $9.99 Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-95108067-9 (hardcover) | 978-1951080-68-6 (trade) | 978-1-951080-69-3 (paperback)

The Joy of Giving
As she warms herself by the fireplace in the mansion on a hill, Ms. Mouse considers her husband’s question, “What do you want for Christmas?” An angelic vision in the embers reveals the perfect request. The fulfillment of her gift demonstrates the joy of giving. This book should appeal to children ages 4-8 as well as educators, day care workers, and teachers in Christian schools who want to inspire the joy of giving.
$16.99 Hardcover | $9.99 Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-951080-61-7 (hardcover) | 978-1-951080-62-4 (trade) | 978-1-951080-63-1 (paperback)

Celebrating Uniqueness
Victor looks similar to the other cars in his class, but under his hood is an engine that sounds like no one else’s:
His engine helps him do interesting things the other cars can’t, but the sound also gets him in a lot of trouble.
Should Victor fix his engine? Or does the engine sound exactly the way it’s supposed to?
$15.66 Hardcover | $9.99 Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-950051-79-3 (hardcover) | 978-1-950051-77-9 (trade) | 978-1-950051-78-6 (paperback)

Four boys’ detective club encounters real criminals.
Four boys had formed a detective club in their little town where nothing much ever happens. That is, until they put their money together and ordered a police scanner for the shack where they held their meetings. The area around where they lived, in New Market, Virginia, was littered with caves. The uncle of one of the club’s members has a cave right on his farm. That’s when the guys hatched the idea of going out to the cave for a little innocent exploring. The cave was on private property, so they knew they’d be safe and no one could bother them. But on the night before their big adventure, the scanner came alive with reports of a big bank heist in a nearby city. The boys thought surely the robbers would be long gone by the time they set up their campsite near the cave. They were wrong.
Inside the cave the next morning they found something. Now the robbers were coming in the entrance of the cave and the boys couldn’t get out.
$5.99 Paperback | $2.99 Ebook
ISBN: 9781-1-951080-92-1 (trade) | 978-1-951080-9-38 (paperback) | 978-1-951080-94-5 (Ebook)

Book Four in the Jo Oliver Series
“Move over Kinsey Malone, Josie is in the house!”—Elizabeth Martin Stearns, Waukegan Public Library
“This skillfully crafted suspense story of a police chief tracking a serial killer will have you on the edge of your seat.” —Patricia Bradley, award-winning author of Shadows of the Past
As Police Chief Jo Oliver prepares for her dream wedding in Maui, she must keep a killer with ties to her past from derailing her plans for the future.
$12.99 Paperback | $2.99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-951080-85-3 (trade) | 978-1-951080-86-0 (paperback) | 978-1-951080-87-7 (Ebook)

Answers to Life’s Challenges
What a gift it would be if you or I could find a handbook with all the answers to overcoming all of life’s challenges. Deb Haggerty has come very close to creating just that! Within these pages, you’ll discover the joy of laughing before whining, praying before crying, loving before blaming and embracing before ignoring! Her gift of storytelling combined with her penchant for creative writing will keep you turning page after page, nonstop! You will find yourself greeting life’s challenges with renewed hope and enhanced happiness.
—Glenna Salsbury, Hall of Fame Professional Speaker, author of The Art of the Fresh Start
$9.99 Paperback | $4,99 Ebook
ISBN: 978-1-95108095-2 (trade) | 978-1-951080-5-32 (paperback) | 978-1-951080-54-9 (Ebook)
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