News & Blog

Fall Reading Pleasure

For Your Fall Reading Pleasure

By Deb Haggerty / November 10, 2021 /

Shorter days. Longer nights. The perfect combination for more reading. And here are some recent releases for your reading pleasure. Fiction: Forgive the Trespassers by Vickie Phelps, Sweet Rivalry by Terri Gillespie, The Bottle House by Susan Grant, Black or White by Ace Collins, Kingdom Lost by Dawn Shipman. Middle Grade: No Bones About It by Annette O’Hare, Trouble in the Halls by Shelley Pierce, The Bomb Squad by Jill Chapman. Children’s: Your Home in…

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Elk Lake Publishing

Summer Releases

By Deb Haggerty / July 31, 2021 /

There’s still plenty of summer left to pick up one of these latest releases for your next beach read. Choose from Amish fiction, contemporary romance, mystery, historical fiction. And if you prefer nonfiction, there’s memoir and a great resource on finding peace and security in a world that’s anything but. Forbidden Gift by Debra Torres, Calculated Risk by L.G. Westlake, The Least of These by Clarice James, Into the Room by Steven Rogers, The Long…

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January-April 2021 – Fiction Releases

By Deb Haggerty / May 28, 2021 /

The new year is off to a good clip with nearly two dozen books published in the first four months. To keep the blog length manageable, we’ve created two posts–Fiction and Nonfiction and Children’s releases. Fiction titles include: The Light at St. Silvan’s and a short story, Uzura Seki: Black Sand by Murray Pura; Deadly Pretense by Kim Teague; Catching Hope by Kathy Cassel; Lawson’s Bluff by Jeff Bargainier; You Cannot Grasp the River by…

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November-December Releases

By Deb Haggerty / January 12, 2021 /

Happy New Year! 2020 is a wrap – and here is the final set of releases for the year that was. I’m sure you all have your adjectives to describe last year, but after a holiday break, we’re looking ahead to 2021 and a slate of new publications. In the November-December releases, you’ll find several Christmas-themed books for kids and adults. But who says the Christmas story is limited to December. Our motto is Publishing…

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September-October Releases

By Deb Haggerty / November 12, 2020 /

The latest set of releases from Elk Lake Publishing, Inc. has something for every reading taste: romance, Amish fiction, historical (Civil War) fiction, nonfiction and children’s books. Explore and try a genre you don’t usually read—and don’t forget—books make great Christmas gifts. To purchase any of these books, click on the covers or the links. As an Amazon Associate, we may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Wake up to Wonder by Whitney Hopler;…

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