New in Nonfiction for Fall!
Beyond Me: Living a You-First Life in a Me-First World
By: Kathi Macias
Catch the vision beyond yourself … and come face-to-face with the cause of Christ.
Just as you peer into a mirror and see your reflection, author Kathi Macias in Beyond Me invites you to delve into Scripture and come face-to-face with the power of God’s Word as He reveals to you the image of a true disciple. If you are dissatisfied with your present spiritual condition, Beyond Me will help you understand the calling, the costs, and the benefits of true discipleship. As you read the powerful stories and embrace the practical insights on how to model a life focused on God and others, you will begin to reflect the image of a true disciple—one who seeks an intimate relationship with the Lord and His people, and one who serves Him and others with your whole heart. As a result, those around you will see the reflection of Christ.
“Kathi Macias’s Beyond Me gently reaches out to readers and says, ‘There is more for you in the Christian life.’ No matter where we are on the spiritual pathway, she warmly encourages us to keep moving forward. Her section on the parable of the prodigal son, for example, contains some of the most insightful writing I’ve read in a long time.”
—Cecil Murphey, best-selling author of 90 Minutes in Heaven and more than 100 other books.
Purchase here.
The Offering: How to Emerge from Shattered Faith

By: Nan Jones
Are you a woman of a strong faith crumbling beneath your crushing pain? Have unthinkable circumstances severely challenged that faith?
Although desperate to cling to the God you have loved and served for many years, do you struggle because of your heart’s devastation? Do you question how God could allow this to happen—and for what purpose? And yet, deep within, does your spirit cry out for God to reveal Himself to you again and to restore the intimate love you once shared?
The Offering: How to Emerge from Shattered Faith will take you on a journey of healing—not an easy, instantaneous journey, but one wrought with raw emotion and hard questions. Nan Jones will lead you to gather up the broken pieces of your faith, come to terms with your pain, and find restoration for your soul.
Purchase here.
God's Heart for your Marriage
By: Kathy Collard Miller
God cares about your marriage.
Not only does he care about your marriage for you and your husband’s sake, he designed marriage to represent his relationship with his Body, the Church. Therefore, he has a vested interest in helping you to improve your relationship.
No marriage is perfect and most start off with high expectations that are rarely fulfilled. But be assured. If you are discouraged, disheartened, or even ready to give up, God will not abandon his plan to help you and transform you both. God’s Heart for Your Marriage will give you hope, help, and peace regardless of the struggles you face. With practical and specific biblical insights, you will also examine biblical couples who also struggled the way you do.
The ten lessons within cover the gamut of marriage: communication, unconditional love, values, temptation, conflict, commitment, support, spiritual growth and sexual union. Perfect for individual and group study, this women’s Bible study includes questions for you to answer, commentary with unique ideas giving Bible background, and Kathy’s signature “Letter From God.” Your mind, soul, and heart will be impacted.
Purchase here.
God Meetings: Building Leadership & Prevent Ministry Shipwreck
By: Dave Beckwith with Joanne Beckwith
The landscape of Christianity is deeply scarred by wounded pastors and disillusioned board members who love God but have been betrayed by a failed system. It’s time for a far-reaching change.
Jesus told his disciples that leaders in the world throw their weight around and flaunt their authority, but “among you it will be different” (Mt. 20:26 NLT). Distinctly different! Radically different! Not a dressed-up, warmed-over Christian version of the world’s system, but a uniquely powerful way of doing things that is quite contrary to the world’s idea of leadership.
“… needs to be read by every pastor in ministry. I see this as the future textbook for practical theology … in seminaries and Bible colleges!” —Dr. Rex Johnson, Professor in Christian Min. & Leadership, Biola Univ. & Talbot (ret.)
“This is the ‘how to do’ book for pastors and church boards to work together and win!” —Les Steckel, Pres. of FCA (ret.), veteran NFL Coach, Colonel USMCR
Purchase here.
Waiting for Jedidiah: How to experience God's healing after miscarriage
By: Betty Ringeisen
Her dreams were filled with motherhood, the due date circled on the calendar. She titled her newest Pinterest board, “Nursery Design,” and spent hours poring over new ideas. The first ultra-sound was scheduled weeks ago. It should be the most joyous time in her life. But her uterus is empty, and the baby is gone. She’s suffered what most pregnant women fear ... a miscarriage.
What does a woman do with her unfulfilled dreams and the immense hole in her heart? How does she grieve the loss of the baby she never held? Is it even possible to move on from her sorrow?
Purchase here.